In this day in age whether you have a small business with one vehicle or a large company with hundreds. One thing is certain, marketing your business by advertising on your vehicle fleet is an extremely effective form of advertising in the market today. With a single vehicle wrap getting anywhere from 30,000 to 80,000 views per day according to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA). In an extremely competitive advertising market, this is a simple, cost-effective method to get your potential customers’ attention!
Although ideally suited for the single company vehicle a small-to-medium sized business might own, vehicle wraps are increasingly being used on fleet vehicles, too. Wrapping a fleet of vehicles in a brand message is extremely effective when it comes to a new product launch or advertising an event. Rather than a static sign or billboard that can only be in one place at a time, a fleet of vehicles moving through traffic can broadcast your message all over town in a single day. Now that’s a big impact, for very few of your advertising dollars.
Vehicle graphics get about 8.4 million impressions per year
- Radio attracts 900,000 listeners in six weeks with ten to twelve 30-second spots
- Direct mail reaches 20,000 names with one mailer
- Billboards get 700,000 impressions per month
At Hurricane Designs we offer highest quality vinyl wrap services for commercial or personal vehicles in the Indianapolis area. Are you looking to update your company branding with a customized design on on vehicle fleet? Our highly trained and experience team is ready to bring a whole new look to your business! Look no further as our work speaks for itself as we strive to be the best commercial and fleet vinyl wrapping company in Indianapolis.
- Low downtime and hassle free process
- In house design, printing, and installation.
- High quality vinyl material and fade-resistant inks for increased life of vehicle wrap.
- Easily replaceable for updating your look in the future.

Starting at
Want to spruce up your vehicle with your business logo or contact details without breaking the bank on a full blown wrap? Our professionally printed and laminated long-lasting material is a perfect solution for adding your business information on your vehicle whether it is just one or an entire fleet.
- 2 Doors
- Hood
- Rear of vehicle

1/4 WRAP
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Taking your vehicle look a step further to the 1/4 vehicle wrapping option will allow for further design and branding options on your vehicle. Our design and install teams will create a unique branding appearance to stand out from the rest keeping your project budget at a minimum cost.
- Includes wrap on back ¼ of vehicle
- Die cut logos on hood
- Die cut logos on 2 doors

1/2 WRAP
Starting at
Still keeping a lower budget in mind but getting the most out of the space available on your vehicle to gain more marketing value our 1/2 wrap option is an effective solution for you. Allowing for more creativity and information to be displayed on your vehicle it is an effective branding strategy at all times on the road.
- Includes wrap on back 1/2 of vehicle
- Die cut logos on hood
- Die cut logos on 2 doors

3/4 WRAP
Starting at
A highly demanded branding solution we install on many vehicles is our 3/4 vehicle wrap option. With a great amount of available space to use for getting your branding and message across to the audience our team can take your vision and apply it to your single vehicle or large fleet and any number in between.

Starting at
Going all out on your company branding and advertising with a full vehicle wrap is a highly effective way to attract potential clients to your business. With an extremely unique design on your vehicle or fleet of company vehicles driving on the streets and highways you can capture thousands of eyeballs per day. Hurricane Designs professional and friendly team is excited to bring your vehicle, truck, or trailer to life in a whole new way!
*Estimates are subject to change with adding / changing of artwork / logos, condition of vehicle, time frame to complete job and environmental conditions if installed outside of Hurricane Designs LLC.

Do you need customized design work for your project? Our professional in house designers have you covered!
Contact us for a FREE estimate today!

You are making an investment on your vehicle wrap and want it to look perfect. With every vehicle, truck, trailer, etc. having various contour and curvature our professional installers will make sure you receive a flawless product.
Contact us for a FREE estimate today!
Hurricane Designs provides a wide range of large format printed products designed to catch attention and influence a target audience. Digital large format printing includes vehicle wrapping for personal and fleet, printing posters, exhibition graphics, billboards, banners, signs, floor stickers, window graphics, wall coverings, sale signs and much, much more.